Thursday, July 24, 2008

Forgotten Genius

Nikolai Tesla

Nikolai Tesla Museum Belgrade most of his papers.

Missing Papers?

Death Ray

Wireless Power - Tesla Coil

over 1200 patents

Tesla was originally green.

Sooner, smarter, why did he not get credit.

A century ago Tesla knew fossil fuels were wasteful. Renewable energey patent on radiant energy (sun, cosmic rays) Geo thermal 1931 "Our future of power"

Tesla Motors 0-60 in 3.9 seconds with AC induction motor.

1893 Chicago World's Fair powered by his AC power invention. Edison won't allow TEsla to use his patented lightbulbs. He created a heatless bulb and powered the fair.

He's the reason we have A/C in our home's. Edison is the reason why they have A/C in electric chairs .

The Forgotten Genius

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